It's September 8th and the baby due date is September 17th so I'm in the final stretch. I know due dates are more an estimate since it seems rare for people to have their baby on that date but it's still around the corner. I know the common assumption is that for first time pregnancies you're likely to be late but a number of studies have shown this to be rumor. From what I read it's most common to deliver mid into week 39 but prior to hitting week 40. The issue with estimates and studies like this is that it all depends on how accurate the date of conception is. Most women don't know when exactly they were ovulating or conceived and many give an estimate on the start date of their last period which is how the due date is determined. So it's all a guessing game.
At this point the baby is full term and according to my OBGYN could be anywhere from 2 weeks early to 2 weeks late. Actually at my check up 2 weeks ago I was already 1cm dilated. Sure that's nothing in terms of labor and pushing out a baby but if I was already dilated about 4 weeks prior to the due date I'd say my baby and body were on their way.
I have mixed feelings on the labor and when I'd want it to happen. I'm so tired or pregnancy, the lack of sleep, the inability to get comfortable, the aches and pains- that sometimes I just want her to be out already. Then when I think about all the work once she is here; the feedings, diaper changing, constant work, crying, lack of sleep. and responsibility I reconsider and want her to stay in a little longer. That and the fear and anxiety of the labor and birth process puts me in no rush for her delivery. I know women have babies every day and it's been like this for centuries but it's hard not to be scared and worried about the birth. It all seems so PAINFUL, difficult, and unpleasant. I worry too about the recovery after and at times that seems to scare me even more. I try to catch myself and divert my attention to something else because like it or not the baby will be coming out and it's unavoidable. My tendency to overanalyze and overthink just hurts me in this situation since it increases my anxiety and does nothing to prepare me for delivery or calm my nerves. So for now it's a waiting game.